Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Meet The Blythe Girls

Medevil Mood Nancy

Nancy is a testy lil thing (i dont think she sleeps well). Also she suffers from low self esteem, since people are always saying mean things about Ashton Drake Gallery Blythe dolls. She is only really happy when she is skateboarding or po-going to her Bouncing Souls records, and keeps asking for a sk8orDie tattoo, but I simply refuse.

Prima Dolly Ashlet Greta

Greta wants to be a model. Its utter insanity. She just loves trying on new outfits and gettin her hair did. She went through a French phase where she would walk around saying "c'est la vie. fromage and bon voyage" but I think shes over it now.

Rosie Red Encore Taryn

Now this girl is always full of energy. She wants to be either a B-movie actress or a rock star. She just got a new guitar and I swear if I have to hear the riff of "Smoke On the Water" one more time. . .its off to the recycling bin for her. . .Or ebay. She decides. Oh, and she just got her bangs cut like Karen O, so she thinks she's hot shit. Im sure the other girls will bring her down to size.

Disco Boogie Kristen
Oh this girl is a mess! Such a fashion victim... anything pink or yellow, Especially her yellow socks. And that blue eye shadow lol! Luckily Kristen is always in her own little world so doesnt notice the strange looks and giggles from the other girls. She is sweet though and the keeper of the guinea mini pigs She is currently dating Brandon Walsh.

Silver Snow Kincaid
Kincaid is like Karen from Step by Step, Wendy from Just the 10 of us, and KellyBundy from Married with children rolled into one 12'' body. She is awfully too much! She is constantly telling Kristen how she should break it off with boring old Brandon Walsh and play the field. "You won't be Mint forever", she says. She means well though. (ps ignore the crappy pics she has the puffiest, platinum blonde hair eva!)


Anonymous said...

chris git that horrible pic of my dear disco boogie off there (the middle pic)put this one http://farm1.static.flickr.com/219/511080091_7d53286950.jpg instead same with poor silver snow. I didnt have any good pics at the time here's some betta ones



Anonymous said...

You write very well.