Thursday, July 5, 2007

My Dream Girl

Rendezvous Chou Chou

Oh ok, i just cant get enough of these girls. what kind of sick joke is this. HUH? I proooooommmisss (fingie's crossed) This lil babette is my dream gurl. I'm totally taken with her. Like remember when you were little and you would want a toy sooo bad, and you knew youd get it for christmas but xmas seemed like forever away...youd just think about it and get all happy and excited? That's how she makes me feel. Like I'm 7 and pining for a dolly. I dont even think she's the prettiest Blythe (that honor goes to Margaret Meets Ladybug sighhh), But she stole my heart. I introduce to you. . .DRUMROLL PULEEZE. . . Miss Rendezvous Chou Chou

She even has a crute lil heart tattoo on her back me rikkie rots!

WOWZA...Check out those collagen lips boys and girls. Goldie Hawn eat your heart out!

Ohh lala, I just lurrrve her fancy mullet. . .

Pretty baby even comes with a poodle. Who would have thunk it. I'll allow this and only this dog in my room. Whatever shall we name it?

Blue eye shadow?? Who the hell do you think you are gottdammit? God I love her sooooo much. Cmon tax refund!! gimmie gimmie gimmie.

She wears lace socks and pearls! OOh ah i feel it now. . . Be still my heart!

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